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Surgical Microscope and C-arm Drapes • Surgical Headlight Systems • Surgical Chairs • SONY Medical Imaging • Leica Cameras
Surgical Microscope and C-arm Drapes • Surgical Headlight Systems • Surgical Chairs • SONY Medical Imaging • Leica Cameras
Surgical Microscope and C-arm Drapes surgical microscope drapes are latex-free and available for all major brands of surgical microscopes and c-arms, including Zeiss, Haag-Street, Moeller and Leica.
Place an Order, download the Fact Sheet, request more information at the Contact page, or view a Sample Drape Installation. Surgical Microscope Drapes for
Zeiss/Haag-Streit/Moeller Surgical Microscopes: Surgical Microscope Drapes for
Leica Surgical Microscopes: Surgical Microscope Drapes for
C-Arms: UC42120 - 42" x 120" Extra-long C-arm Drape with rubber-band fasteners and poly-adhesive straps
3D4270 - 42" x 70" Four-sided C-arm Drape with poly-adhesive straps BB3030 - 30" x 30" Banded Bag with elastic opening for covering C-arm image intensifier